Clinical Articles

The following section outlines the clinical papers, posters and proposals that refer to the clinical use of MRL mushroom nutrition products. This information is for healthcare practitioners only and should not be provided to members of the general public.
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Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on HPV and Cancer, in Lisbon Portugal on May 26th, 2001.

This prospective trial design outlines the rational for the use of Coriolus versicolor supplementation (3.0 grams per day) to improve the immune system in HPV infected women in order to control the stage of HPV development. Dr. Monro is the first to suggest that Coriolus versicolor supplementation may reverse a Th1 to Th2 shift in the immune system.

To contact Dr.Jean Monro at Breakspear Hospital

Tel:44-1442-261-333 / Fax:44-1442-266-388